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How to Raise a Highly Sensitive Child

"... it is the child's parenting method that decides whether the expression of sensitivity will be an advantage or source of anxiety." —Elaine Aron, PhD

How to Raise a Highly Sensitive Child
Does your child often complain of "itching" or discomfort just because of a piece of thread leftover from stitches?

Or do you enjoy playing puzzles alone rather than playing Uno with your siblings? Does he seem to be able to read our minds? Is he very responsive, paying attention to all the little details? Maybe he was even called "shy" or "very emotional" by his teacher?

 If you say yes to one of the above, you might be raising a very sensitive child - and yes, this is a great thing.

Elaine Aron, a psychologist and author of a book about very sensitive children, states, "A very sensitive child is one in fifteen to twenty percent of children born with a nervous system that is very conscious and reacts quickly to everything."

Such children are very responsive to their environment, whether it is lighting, sound, smell, or people's moods, sensitive children quickly catch it.

With keen awareness, these children are often given intellectual, creative, emotional talent, and show genuine compassion at an early age. The disadvantage is that a very sensitive child can be easily disturbed by the crowd, noise, new situations, sudden changes, and emotional pressure of others. Criticism, defeat, and distress others are something very sensitive children feel is very sensitive.

Nurturing Very Sensitive Children
Parenting a very sensitive child can be very fun — however, some parents admit it is tiring. For example, say your son comes home from school with a small knee injury from falling off the swing. He continued to cry even after the wound was treated. The cause of crying was not due to injury, but apparently because when falling from the swing there was another child who laughed at him.

See the difference? Raising a healthy, happy, and well-adjusted child is possible, but it requires "sensitive parenting skills," such as:

See sensitivity as a "special gift"
It's easy to feel frustrated and angry with your son or daughter if they are constantly crying, withdrawing, and avoiding common social situations. Instead of seeing your sensitive child as a weakness, it's better to assume your child has a special gift.

Sensitivity is the hallmark of creative artists, innovators, and children who are gifted in many ways.

Befriend children
Sensitive children respond far better when asked to do something and make friends with them better than applying strict discipline. Harsh discipline for sensitive children can have negative effects such as uncontrolled emotional outbursts. Making friends with your child includes learning about emotional triggers (eg not liking crowds, screams, etc.) and also giving them ways when they feel overwhelmed, such as how to breathe, drink water, etc. Professional help such as a psychologist may be needed if parents have difficulty analyzing.

Focus on strength
Learn how your very sensitive child is a very talented person, this is especially important when he may "act out" because he feels overwhelmed or emotionally upset.
Train yourself to see your child's strengths first - such as creativity, perception, and sharp intelligence - this is important because it can help Parents accept their challenges (ie very emotional, sometimes introverted, picky, shy, or overactive).

Receive that
Accepting your child as a very sensitive child is the first step. Many parents want to "transform" highly sensitive children into less sensitive children. Parents can't do it. Instead, Parents can accept your child's sensitivity as part of your parenting journey.

Create a calm
Because very sensitive children are greatly influenced by their home and school environment, it is worth taking the time to create spaces that are suitable for their type. You can give him a "Quiet Corner" at home where he relaxes with headphones, favorite toys, or drawing equipment to feel calm. This kind of calm is what very sensitive children crave, with the right lighting, color, sound, and environment.

Gentle discipline
Because your child is very sensitive does not mean they do not need rules and restrictions in their lives. They still need it. Give the child Parents gentle rules and clear boundaries with respect, that means a lot to him.

For example, if it's time to go to sleep and he refuses, Parents can say, "Honey, I know you want to play all night, but now it's time to sleep. You need to rest and we agreed to sleep at 8 pm, now it's 8 o'clock - please start getting ready to sleep. "

Help Connected
Very sensitive children are attracted to friends who are just as sensitive. So connecting these kids is a good thing but it's not always easy. It may take a little extra effort from Parents to help make friends and find other children who are playing well with your very sensitive child.

If Parents are very sensitive adults, then that can help understand your child's temperament and special needs.

But if not, it will be very helpful if a very sensitive child is born from an adult who understands well, is healthy, and is sensitive who can direct them towards the right emotions.

Of course, that can happen to any child - however, very sensitive children, need good role models because they are learning how to use their extraordinary gifts in a world that sometimes does not value the values ​​inherent in them.

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